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Durango Rapids SC

Frequently Asked Questions

1)    Q:  I’ve heard that RRDSC is expensive?

A:  The average “operating” cost per DRSC player is $749.  In comparison with other regional soccer clubs, DRSC has one of the lowest annual registration fees out there at $290-$345.  Many clubs in the region have costs that exceed the $600-$1400 mark.  RRDSC offsets each player’s cost by covering $434 per player (58% of the overall costs).

2)    Q:  What do the registration and team fees go toward?

  A:  A Player’s annual club registration fee pays for a portion of the coach’s training session pay, field rentals and maintenance, Colorado Youth Soccer Association membership/passes/liability, and administrative costs.  A Player’s team fee goes directly to league fees, tournament registration, coach travel expenses, and tournament coaching compensation.

3)    Q:  Is there financial assistance available?

A:  DRSC spends a lot of time fundraising throughout the year.  Much of these acquired sponsorships go directly to our scholarship fund.  In the Fall and Spring seasons, there are limited scholarship monies available.  Awards are based on the financial need of the players.  The scholarship process and deadlines are detailed on the website under “Resources”

4)    Q:  What is the difference between the Select and Club program?

A:  All of our players have one desire in common; to have fun playing the game of soccer.  While all teams are provided with the opportunity to focus on technical and tactical development in a professional and fun training environment, DRSC's Select program (U13 and up) are for those players with above average skills and strong drive to develop their soccer abilities in a more demanding and competitive environment through practice sessions and league/tournament play. 

5)    Q:  Why does DRSC teams play in different leagues?

A:  Considering the location restraints placed on us living in a fairly remote area, DRSC wants to provide each age group appropriate competition.  The access to this appropriate competition will vary by age and a team’s ability.  Currently, our younger U9-U10 teams play in the Four Corners Youth Soccer League (FCYSL) while our U11 and U12-U14 teams play have option of playing in the FCYSL or the Duke City Soccer League. The U13-19 teams play in the Duke City Soccer League.

6)    Q:  Why doesn’t RRDSC split to ability-based teams until U13?

A:  DRSC believes that at the younger ages, the most important part of player development is acquiring and mastering the foundational basics of individual footwork and comfort on the ball.  Being a smaller club, DRSC feels that these individual skills mastery can be accomplished to each player’s individual potential without splitting by ability.

7)    Q:  Why are schedules for league play and tournaments given out so late?

A:  Besides releasing schedules for the Durango Shootout, DRSC has no control over when each league or tournament announces game schedules.  Usually, we receive this information 1 week ahead of time.  Once received and reviewed for any errors, DRSC administration, coaches, and managers immediately distribute the information to the club members.

8)    Q:  Do teams/players get to stay together from year to year?

A:  Although some consideration is made to keep teams together at the younger ages, factors such as a team’s and/or player’s needs and overall numbers may alter a team’s roster from season to season.  In the older age groups, a player’s placement and, therefore, team roster will depend on tryouts.

9)    Q:  What is the Volunteer Deposit?

A:  DRSC strongly believes that family involvement is essential in running an effective program.  Part of this involvement is assisting with various events or taking on specific roles within the club.   The reason for the Volunteer Deposit is that not all families can volunteer so it allows them to “opt out” of volunteering.  If opt out, DRSC keeps the deposit and uses it to hire people, or purchase items, that would otherwise be filled/donated by a volunteer. If choose to volunteer, you will get your volunteer deposit reimbursed.   

10) Q:  Can my child play with older age groups?

A:  While playing with one’s age group is encouraged and beneficial in regards to physical and social development, there are rare circumstances where a DRSC staff member may see it to be in the best interest of the player to have them play with an older age group.  Additionally, there are instances where numbers play a factor in where certain players are placed.

11) Q:  I’ve noticed some parents coaching players from the sidelines.  Is it appropriate to instruct and coach as an observer from the sideline?

A:  No, this is never conducive for player development as the coach is looking to accomplish something and a player getting different information is simply confusing.  Our coaches have specific goals in mind to help the development of each individual player as well as goals for the team.  Parents coaching from the sideline could be undermining the desired outcome of the coaching staff.  Parents are strongly encouraged to positively cheer for their child and team and refrain from offering advice.

12) Q:  As a parent of a player, what are some guidelines I should follow?

A:  Parents play an important role in the development of their kids, however, it’s important to follow a few guidelines to make sure the feedback always stay positive and in line with the objectives of the coach.  First and foremost, support your kids’ interests but don’t interfere with their experiences.  Soccer is a great avenue to learn life lessons through good and challenging experiences, and learning occurs through both.  Parents should encourage their kids and trust the coaches will use these situations to help them continue to develop and improve as players and people.

13) Q:  What do I do if I have a problem with my child’s coach?

A:  Take the 48 Hour Rule to process what exactly is the issue before addressing the coach.  NEVER approach a coach with issues in front of players or on the field of play/practice.  If the attempted form of communication fails or an issue is unresolved, contact the Director of Coaching. 

14) Q:  What other training opportunities are there in this area for my child?

A:  DRSC and Fort Lewis College Men’s and Women’s Soccer offers a number of additional opportunities to train throughout the year.  In the summer, Fort Lewis Soccer Schools offer age specific week-long camps coached by the college coaches and players.  During the winter months, SPEED (Specialized, Player, Enhanced, Explosive, Development)  training is offered in an indoor facility.  There is always the option of setting up individual training sessions with one of our many qualified coaches anytime of the year.  Lastly, in the U11-U17 age groups, players have the opportunity to participate in the New Mexico YOP/ODP programs.

15) Q:  Why do I need to fill out a parent survey at the end of each season?

A:  DRSC values our members’ input on all levels.  During each break we spend copious amounts of time reflecting on the previous season and attempt to make changes where needed.  If something is working or not working for you or your player, we need to know!  We are not mind readers so every piece of additional information helps to make our club structure better and more effective.

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