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Durango Rapids SC

Find Your Balance

  • Academics + Athletics + Social = Personal Growth

    Choosing for Academics
  • Degree or Field of Study Offered
  • Small or Large Class Sizes
  • Taught by Professors or Graduate Assistants
  • Flexible Major or Individualized Degree Programs
  • Preparation and Placement into Prestigious Graduate Schools or Work Force
  • Cost

    Choosing for Athletics
  • How Soon Will I Get to Play?
  • How Important Is It to Play for a Winning Program?
  • What is the Commitment Level Expected of Me by the Program?
  • Is a Scholarship Available for Me?
  • At What Level of Play am I Capable?
  • Do I Aspire to Play Professionally?

    What Does It Take To Play College Soccer?
  • Technical - The ability to master the ball so that speed of play is as fast as possible.
  • Tactical - (1) Being able to recognize what is happening on the field. (2) Executing decisions that maximize benefit to your team and hurt the other team the most.
  • Physical - Mostly inherited, physical speed, strength, agility, and quickness can separate players.
  • Psychological - The capacity to deal with adversity. A Player’s composure, confidence, concentration, and commitment.
  • Academics - Solid core-course preparation and GPA. Adequate to above average test scores.

    Choosing for Social
  • Big school or small school
  • Big city, small city, or rural college town
  • Geographic location
  • Greek organization membership
  • Student-Government/Leadership opportunities
  • Diversity of student population

    NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse
  • Understand limited nature of available athletic funds; predict a school’s scholarship budget for your freshman year
  • Recognize that most student-athletes are “packaged” (government, academic, and athletic aid)
  • Take tests junior year, apply early to colleges, have 3-4 school suitable to your needs who are interested in you
  • Establish a family financial plan; know your limits!
  • Be open and honest with coaches during negotiations
  • Attempt to not let money be the overriding decision

    Organizing Your College Future - The 3 P’s

Be Proactive -- Continuous evaluation and prioritization of academic and athletic goals.

Be Persistent -- Continuously express your interest in the school and program of your choice

Be Prepared -- Satisfy all necessary academic and athletic eligibility requirements

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